I had yet to come up with the brilliance of strapping my watch to my ankle. I present the Wellsville Mountains. 12 miles of fun at altitude with plenty of scrub brush and a few magnificent and marvelous views to WOW you back to reality.
Checkin’ IN!!!
So, I strapped my watch to my ankle for my recent run(s) (Garmin 920XT – felt like a timing chip). I want to stop looking at my watch on wrist during work outs and I turned off alerts, too. I was able to capture my information and still run ‘free’. My last month have swims have been without counting sets, just start watch and go, stop at the end of the workout. Stupid little watch. 😛 And I have only updated Strava 2-3 times in the last month. What’s happening to me ? 🙂 I think I will amp up my journaling/blogging a bit as I need to get out of my funk an start moving toward my 50 miler in March. Away we go.
Activities – Strava Logs (Shane’s Strava link)
Specific Workout links go here
Relevant Pics
It was so cool I cropped it up to withhold the evidence.
I gots the gas! Shhhh!
Caught me a good inhale photo on timer
Taking more pictures than jogging. *cough *cough
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