Activities – Strava Logs (Shane’s Strava link)
(I don’t always provide links, so, please copy and paste if you are Strava stalking me 🙂 )
Activity 1 – Rest Day and travel
Activity 1 – Run
Broke up run into multiple activities 7.2 miles total…long fartleks Activity 1 – Run Activity 2 – Run Activity 3 – Run Activity 4 – Run Activity 5 – Run Activity 6 – Run
Activity 1 – Visited with hometown friends in NYC
Activity 1 – Run Saturday
Activity 1 – Run
Sunday Activity 1 – Hike
STATS – Need to get back at it
Monday morning weigh in XXX.X
Saturday post activity weigh in XXX.X
Sunday Morning weigh in XXX.X
Targeted Activity and Focus Points
Worked on speed work oriented runs this week. using fartleks to push at performance pace, then dialing back to Z1 and Z2 or MAF pace. Not sure if it is perfect but liking the approach.
Ate at Juniors on Thursday night with friends. Other than that, pretty dialed in.
Weights and Strength
Weekly Reflections and Focus
Well This week was a bit all over the place. i was able to meet up with some good friends on Thursday night and spend some time with them eating at Juniors.
My runs this week were decent. I added a long loop into the Central Park run I normally do. i wanted to get out to the Hudson, but staying at Times Square this week made that a bit more difficult so I passed on trying to force it. I had to train up to Central Park for my runs because summer in the city means a lot of zombies. The tourists are actually great. It reminds me of how I kinda was when I first took it all in. It is invigorating to see, until that moment where you see lack of courtesy or common sense applied, but its not me, it’s them and they are on their own path.
Then on Sunday, I took Dennis up to the wind caves trail in Logan Canyon. We took a brisk pace for him up to the caves. I pushed him but didn’t over do it. We made good time and then on the way down, we cheated and ran sections to get down faster. Trail running has become therapeutic to me and I enjoy it. i will say the descents are a bit more challenging on the body, but worth it. Of note, I wore my Altra lone peaks on the trail. I absolutely did not like them in the slightest. it is a good daily driver shoe for me, but compared to my La Sportiva Mutant’s, absolutely did not like them. My shoes are fitted well, and sized appropriately. I just felt sloshy and slippery at points where I didn’t think I should have been. I am not saying they are not for someone else, but for me, I was not impressed. These shoes will become part of my travelling collection in the airports of america.
So, no more goals or events in the works for now. It’s just maintenance throughout the rest of the year. I want to get on my bike more this next week as I am home, but our local chip n seal road program is in full swing which makes good rides difficult as you turn into a mess of loose unsealed gravel or sticky sealed gravel. Also need to get a weekly swim in so i don’t lose that fitness either.
I listened to a very provocative podcast this week on Endurance Planet. When don’t I right? That being said here is the link to the podcast. I think it is a worthwhile listen for females, with or without children trying to figure out fatigue and being a woman, and to their spouses that try to support them in their habits and lifestyles.
Look, I know that I have been in a bit of a slump and that is ok. Sometimes, I have to accept that and focus on what I can. I have slipped back into the 190 – 195 lb range. It is frustrating. I need to get back after it. I am watching a lot of age grouper friends in the pathetic triathlon group (facebook). Come join us on Facebook, it’s a good support group with triathletes of ALL levels. Not too many take themselves too serious and if they do, they are gracious and humorous about their spoils and fumbles. There is also an etsy store to great gear – Etsy page – PatheticTriathlete, I am sure that Zach would appreciate the traffic.
Lastly, i am trying to get a better source to Gnarly vegan protein and meal replacement products. When we did the peak series at Alta last week I was reminded of their great product. I also have been using the hydration options by them and really like it. It has been hot and humid in NYC and the hydration products helped a lot. Look them up here. They also maintain a blog here.
Anyway, as you have probably come to see this is more of an accountability activity for me, and I hope you enjoy the information. Someone asked me about knee exercises again, so here is the link for those. Have a great week folks. Leave a comment, let me know someone somewhere is reading my schtuff. Cheers!
Weekly Pics
Dennis, Wind Caves Trail, looking towards Crimson Trail across the way
Awkward high angle selfie – Wind Caves Trail
Daddy and Dennis time on the trail tot he wind caves
Pushing limits, he wanted to go on the arch
It’s so loud, the echos, in the wind caves.
Yes, we really did it
Running with my better half. Finally got her out and I kept at her pace until just after this 🙂 Good husband.
Pathetic Triathletes will understand, and yes, yes I did eat em.
My creeper pose with Jake and Jen Bishop. Juniors for dinner and cheesecake.
Reppin’ the Discrete Peak Series shirt in Central Park.